The faithful life does not delight in any kind of injustice.

February 9, 2022 |
Passage: Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 | Series: |

Christian life is not pleased with the injustice of any kind.(By.- Mr. Rolly Singh)

This message is based on Ecclesiastes 6 in which we see that Solomon / the apostle says that a believer's life is not happy with the injustice happening around him, because the one we believe in is God, and a believer He also has to be like him. He is pleased with justice and not with injustice. Let's live with justice to know God's will to know what He wants from our lives? see this message

Uncle Rolly Singh is the senior founding pastor of Zion Church where he provides leadership to the group of elders. He has been in full time church ministry since 1979, is a pioneer church planting trainer in North India.